Happy Earth Day! With the theme, “Investing in our Planet”, for Earth Day 2022, we thought it would be a great idea to let you know about Zavida Coffee Roasters’ commitment to the planet, along with tips on how you can drink coffee in a more sustainable manner. It’s important that through the actions we take, big or small, we are conscious about our impact on the environment!

Here at Zavida Coffee Roasters, we celebrate Earth Day every day as we believe that we must make a year-round effort to make an impact! Since 1980, Zavida Coffee Roasters has been producing ethically sourced and sustainable coffee because we care about the environment and social responsibility. Not only do we actively seek out designations that are good for the planet and society, such as USDA and Canadian Organic certified, Rainforest Alliance certified, and Colombian Coffee Growers Association – but we want to continue to do more!
Currently, we have a carbon-neutral initiative put in place, where Zavida plants trees to offset our carbon emissions on an annual basis! Our total carbon output is calculated by including all raw materials, transportation, and energy use, and we then plant enough trees to absorb all the carbon we emit every year. To learn more about Zavida’s impact check out our About Us page.
Even if Organica Coffee is our Coffee of the Month for April, we love drinking this coffee all year round! Since 2006, we have been celebrating Zavida Organica Coffee for being made with 100% organic Arabica beans, certified by the USDA and Canadian Organic agencies, as well as being Rainforest Alliance Certified.
Being made with 100% organic Arabica coffee means that the coffee is grown without the use of any synthetic pesticides, herbicides, or chemical fertilizers. Not only does this help the environment, but we guarantee that your coffee will taste so much better knowing you’re supporting environmental initiatives.
The Rainforest Alliance certification is as good for the environment as it sounds! Our products that carry this seal are produced by farmers and foresters who work to create a world where people can coexist peacefully with nature. More importantly, this designation ensures that all three pillars of sustainability are met: social, economic, and environmental.

Fun Fact:Frogs are bioindicators; when the frog population flourishes, this shows that the environment is healthy. This is the main reason the frog is a part of the symbol for Rainforest Alliance, and why we have a cute frog featured on our Organica Coffee bag.
Now even if you aren’t purchasing certified-organic coffee, there are still ways you can drink coffee sustainability. Every action we make can make an impact on the environment! Here are a couple of ways you can drink coffee in a more sustainable manner.
The easiest way to drink coffee sustainably is to brew your coffee at home. This way, you are limiting the waste from disposable cups, while also saving yourself a drive. With being able to work from home, it is so much easier now to just wake up, start your coffee machine and enjoy a nice cup of coffee from the comfort of your home! Bonus, making your own coffee is so much cheaper!

Even though people are becoming accustomed to working from home, we know that people still work from the office, or have a busy schedule and are always on the go! With this, it’s not always easy to have a relaxing morning coffee at home. That’s why if you need a coffee on the go, always keep a reusable mug handy. Whether you plan on making your own coffee at home or picking up a coffee along the way, it’s a great way to reduce waste.

Did you know that when making your coffee at home, the most eco-friendly option is using a reusable coffee filter? Coffee filters using cloth and stainless steel can be reused multiple times with proper washing and maintenance. If you aren’t doing drip coffee and have a machine, you can use reusable k- “like” cups instead of single-use k-cups.
Pro tip: why not skip the filter altogether invest in a French press to solve all your coffee sustainability brewing problems?
The last and one of the most important steps is to always compost your coffee grounds (don’t worry, in the next section we will talk about everyday uses for your leftover brewed coffee and grounds)! Also make sure to buy non-bleached biodegradable coffee filters, which can be composted. By taking these extra steps, you can make your coffee routine more sustainable!
Now how come whenever we make ourselves a cup of coffee, we always seem to have leftover brewed coffee? That’s not a problem, because there are many ways use leftover coffee and coffee grounds to make wonderful and bold creations!
Here is what you can do with leftover COFFEE:

Do you ever make too much coffee? One of the best ways to use your leftover coffee is to dilute it with some water (or keep the mixture nice and strong) and then pour this mixture into your ice tray! It’s as simple as it sounds, and these ice cubes are the best when put in ice coffee.
One of the easiest ways to use your leftover coffee is simply putting your brew in the fridge and saving it for an iced coffee later! Who doesn’t love an iced coffee to relax with in the afternoon? We know we do!

Need that extra pep in your step? One way you can achieve this is by adding a bit of brewed coffee to your oatmeal. Not only does it taste great, but one of the best ways to start off your morning is with a nutritional and well-rounded breakfast!
Now here are some ways you can use leftover coffee GROUNDS :
With leftover coffee grounds, there are so many natural scrubs you can create for your hair, body, lips, and face. Coffee is a natural exfoliant - when paired with the right ingredients, it creates the best mask, scrub, and serum.
Did you know that coffee grounds soak up unwanted natural odours? You can leave some dried coffee grounds in a shallow jar in your fridge to help freshen up the smell. Also, a fun tip is that coffee grounds are perfect for cleaning your garbage disposal. All you need to do is toss a couple of tablespoons of ground coffee down the drain with a few of drops of soap and then pour boiling water over it to clean grease and reduce drain odours. Also, this works perfectly for cleaning your pots and pans, just make sure you don’t use this on your ceramic or non-stick pans as this could scratch and discolour the pan.
Need a fun craft to do with your kids? You can use coffee grounds for fun DIY crafts. Coffee grounds with water create a natural stain and make crafts look more naturally aged. This natural stain is perfect to give any project a naturally aged look!
For more fun tips, check out our blog article about different uses for leftover brewed coffee.
We hope that this Earth Day, you’ve found some new ways to make your daily coffee routine a little more sustainable to help give back to our planet!