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How to Make Cold Brew Coffee in a French Press

How to Make Cold Brew Coffee in a French Press - Zavida Coffee

Along with the long, hot days and the buzzing of cicadas in the air, one of the hallmarks of summer is the choice to replace hot coffee with iced. For days when even the thought of turning on your stove or plugging in your kettle is too much to bear in the heat, cold brewing your coffee presents the perfect alternative to help keep you cool and caffeinated, all summer long.

Though cold brew coffee has existed for centuries, its popularity has recently gained momentum. This brew method does require a little extra foresight, and isn’t as quick as pouring your hot coffee over ice to cool it down to an icy temperature fit for a summer day; but it allows coffee lovers to extract different flavour notes from their coffee, all while creating a refreshing drink and avoiding the dilution that comes along with pouring hot coffee over ice.

Certain coffee brands and commercial roasters create their own cold brew in a ready-to-drink format. You should be sure to keep an eye out for ready-to-drink cold brew with added sugar however, as it can be too sweet for some. You can also find a carbonated version called nitro cold brew at some establishments, where you’ll find it served on tap. Visually, it looks a lot like a glass of Guinness!

Bartenders adore cold brew due to the flavour and richness it can bring to cocktails. Some use it in its basic format, whereas others use cold brew as a base to create a syrup with a touch of sweetness. Since cold brew can be stored and used over a period of a few days, it's very practical for bars and restaurants to have on-hand.


Cold brewing ground coffee has a long history. We can find examples from 17th century Japan, where they steeped coffee in cold water. It appears Scottish merchants introduced the Japanese to cold brew coffee, as this was the method the Scots used on their ships.

The arrival of cold brew in North America is fairly recent. Years ago, coffee aficionados were looking for new ways to drink their favorite beverage. With the increase in iced coffee consumption, interest grew in the cold brew method.

It’s a relatively new way to brew it here in this corner of the world, but we shouldn’t overlook it. Due to the different chemical reactions created with cool water compared to hot, steeping coffee in cold water for a long period of time creates a less bitter coffee with a slightly sweeter and mild taste. When coffee is brewed with hot water, the heat is what gives it that bitter, slightly burnt taste.


No, they are not necessarily the same drink. Though you can make iced coffee with cold brew, iced coffee is traditionally made with coffee brewed hot, then cooled down and added full strength to a glass with ice cubes. As the ice melts, it dilutes the flavour and intensity of the coffee.

Cold brew, on the other hand, is steeped with room temperature water usually at a ratio 1:2 of coffee to water to create a coffee concentrate. Since it’s a concentrate, you won’t be drinking it straight and will need to add water or milk to your iced coffee to offset the intensity.

Even though it is concentrated, it will not necessarily have more caffeine than iced coffee made with hot coffee. This is because less caffeine is released using a cold-water brewing method. Plus, when consumed, it’s usually diluted 50/50 with water (or milk and cream), so caffeine levels shouldn’t be much stronger.

There are many ways to use cold brew, and it’s not just cold! We’ll give you a few suggestions at the end of this blog – and since cold brew lasts up to 5 – 10 days in the fridge, you’ll have plenty of time to experiment with each batch you create.

With Zavida coffee, the sky's the limit as to how many different types of cold brew you can make and enjoy. With over 40 different flavours and varieties of coffee, you don’t need added syrups or creamers to create unique and delicious cold brews. Whether you make cold brew with just one flavour of our coffee, or choose a couple of different flavours and mix the grounds together when steeping your latest batch, we’re sure you won’t be disappointed with your final result!


The primary tools are a glass jar, a lid or way to seal the container, and a filter or cheesecloth to strain the brew once it’s ready. Any jar or container will do, but we recommend a French press. You can use it to steep your coffee, strain it a first time by using the plunger, and when you pour the coffee through a filter or cheesecloth, you’ll end up with an extra-refined batch of cold brew!


- Grind your coffee beans so that you have 1-1/2 cups of coarsely ground coffee.

- Take the lid off the French press and add your ground coffee to the container.

- Add 3 cups of tap water or filtered water at room temperature. It may cause bubbles to form – this is normal.

- Stir the water into the grounds so that they are evenly saturated.

- Place the lid on the French press with the plunger up, so that the coffee grinds can steep in water for 12 to 16 hours at room temperature.

- After the coffee has steeped for the required amount of time, press the plunger on the French press so that the ground coffee is at the bottom of the container.

- Transfer to another jar or container, straining with a paper filter or cheesecloth to capture any sludge that made it through the French press filter.

- Voilà, you have cold brew that can be stored in the fridge in an airtight container for 5 to 10 days. Enjoy!


Iced Coffee
There are many great recipes for iced coffee available, but the general method is combining one part coffee concentrate to one part water or milk. Then add ice cubes and enjoy.

Hot Coffee
The great thing about cold brew is that it is a very delicious and custom form of instant coffee! Just add it to hot water (in a 1:1 ratio), and you can make your morning cup of joe in the fraction of the time it normally takes. It’s perfect for those busy mornings!

Coffee Ice Cubes
To add an extra punch to your iced coffee, pour cold brew to an ice cube tray and freeze. Then when you make an iced coffee, it won’t be diluted with water when the ice cubes melt.

Mixed Drinks Or Cocktails
When it comes to mixed drinks or cocktails, the sky is really the limit! It adds a richness and intensity and really compliments alcohols such as Kahlua, Tia Maria, and Baileys Irish Cream. Surprisingly, it also works in drinks that incorporate bourbon, rum and even gin. Go ahead, experiment!

Coffee Syrup
Cold brew coffee syrup is wonderful! You can add this syrup to alcoholic and non-alcoholic drinks, drizzle it over ice cream or desserts, or use it in baking.

If your morning coffee routine is feeling a little too, shall we say, routine - go ahead and try making cold brew at home for a new way to enjoy coffee!