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Breast Cancer Awareness

Breast Cancer Awareness - Zavida Coffee

Along with the falling of the leaves and the annual tradition of picking out Halloween costumes, October brings with it the opportunity to spread awareness of a disease that touches the lives of tens of thousands of Canadians every year. This October, Zavida is helping the Canadian Cancer Society spread awareness and raise funds in support of Breast Cancer Awareness Month. 

In 2022, around28,000 Canadians were diagnosed with Breast Cancer; it’s the most commonly diagnosed cancer for Canadian women. Raising awareness of the signs and symptoms is crucial when it comes to helping people seek medical advice and treatment. 

In order to raise funds for the Canadian Cancer Society and the work they do to help patients access treatment and support, Zavida is donating 30% of our October sales of three of our favourite coffee flavours  - Cranberry Cream, Raspberry Chocolate, and Grandma’s Pecan Pie.

Choosing the three coffees in our collection with labels that match the colour of Breast Cancer Awareness - pink, of course - was an easy choice; not only are they thematically appropriate, but they’re also some of our absolute favourite flavours in the Zavida lineup. 

Cranberry Cream is one of our seasonal blends and is only available at this time of year, so make sure to stock up while it’s still around. What better time than when your purchase also supports those navigating diagnosis or treatment of breast cancer? 

Raspberry Chocolate is such a fan-favourite that it recently made the leap from seasonal flavour to a coveted spot on the year-round roster. The rich dark chocolate notes and tart sweetness of raspberries make this one a perfect way to start your day; this is the perfect opportunity to give it a try if you haven’t already!

Finally, Grandma’s Pecan Pie is one of the nine unique blends from our Funky Flavour collection, and brings with it the nostalgic aroma of the kitchen at your grandparents’ house in the fall; of pecans and sugar and everything that makes you think of the best parts of childhood. Grab a bag today to taste it for yourself, and feel great knowing that you’re giving back while doing so. 

We’re so proud of the Canadian Cancer Society for all they do to help people going through cancer diagnosis and treatment, as well as the support they give to survivors and their families all year-round. This October, we’re giving back in our own way by donating 30% of our month-long sales of the pinkest of products we sell at Zavida, and we couldn’t do it without the help of our loyal (and well-caffeinated) customers. 

Thank you for your support this month, and be sure to check back at the end of October when we’ll be able to announce our final donation to the Canadian Cancer Society in support of Breast Cancer Awareness Month!